The Computer Newsletter
This October 2023 edition is focused on Animations, Cartoons & Computer Vision.
Welcome to the October 2023 edition of The Computer Newsletter. This edition is focused on Animations, Cartoons & Computer Vision.
What’s Inside?
Report on the Animation Lab Workshop
JP Morgan Chase Code for Good Africa Hackathon 2023 - Arafat Olayiwola
Report on the Animation Lab Workshop held 28th August 2023 - Dr. O.D. Ninan.
The Animation Lab of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University, held her workshop on August 28, 2023.
The conference theme is Contemporary Prospects and Challenges in the Production of Multilingual Animation Cartoons.
The organizing team is grateful to all who took the time to attend the workshop, especially the representatives of the vice-chancellor, Deputy vice-chancellors, directors of units, dean faculty of technology and heads of departments. The informative, goodwill messages were invaluable contributions to the workshop.
The keynote speaker in this workshop, Mr. Adebisi Adetayo, the CEO and Technical Director of 32AD Animation Studio and Academy and his company of other 32AD animation studio modellers and animators are especially appreciated.
Mr. Adetayo held all the workshop participants spellbound in his lecture, in which he expounded the theme elaborately to the audience.
His lecture on the theme from the academic and industry point of view, accompanied by illustrative sample animated products from 32AD studio, brought a better understanding and awareness of the prospects and challenges of animation.
The keynote speaker made us appreciate the fact that animation is not a one-man business but needs collaboration from several other disciplines to be termed successful. It was asserted that the animation process requires input from several disciplines, including Fine arts, Music, Drama, and Science and Technology, which is its main domain.
He encouraged as many as are interested and aspire to work in this field to be weary of despising or shying away from the physics and mathematics lectures as these subjects are the basics of animation, which cannot be escaped.
The keynote lecture and every other aspect of the workshop were essentially enriching, with numerous takeaways, which surely have added value to all who were in attendance physically and those who participated virtually. The physical and virtual participants well applauded the interactive question-and-answer session.
We appreciate Mr. Adebisi Adetayo and the 32AD Animation Studio and Academy immensely for all these and for promising to support the Animation Lab in training and production.
Every member of the Greencartoon animations team is appreciated for working tirelessly together to make the workshop a great success. Dr. J. O. Salami opened the workshop as the MC called the invited guests to the platform and introduced the physical and virtual participants even as they arrived.
He handled every event on the program humorously, thereby anchoring the program entertainingly from start to finish. Thanks to Professor F. A. Fabunmi for presenting the lecture on Yoruba Language in Folktales Context, and Dr. O. A. Odejobi enlightened the workshop on the Significance of Folktales in Computing.
Dr. Alade Mayowa and Isaac Elesemoyo participated virtually. Dr. A. O. Afolabi and Dr. O. D. Ninan informed the workshop briefly on the 3D Animation pipeline and our experiences so far.
Unreserved thanks to Dr. Steve Folaranmi (South Africa), who participated virtually throughout and graciously discharged the workshop with a vote of thanks. All glory to the omnipresent Almighty God for this success and future successes.
Read the second article in this edition, '“Animators still have a voice” by Babajide Aroyewun, here.